How To Find Extra Storage Space (Guest Blogger)

Finding that extra space through self storage
We'd all love to have unlimited space to store our personal belongings and professional items, but the truth is that sometimes it just doesn't exist in our homes and places of business. But does that mean that all hope is lost and we should just toss everything that we aren't going to need right this second?
Of course not! Fortunately, there are ways to maximize the space you do have and a means to store the excess and overflow – in a personal self-storage unit.
Regardless of whether your needs relate to your home or business, here are some tips on de-cluttering and organizing your existing spaces and a bit more on how to settle on the self-storage unit that will work for you.

First Things First: Kick Clutter to the Curb
Even the most vigilant organizers and cleaners recognize how "things" can accumulate in our homes and businesses despite our best efforts. With the busy lives we lead, we barely have sufficient time for ourselves and our families, let alone time to keep our stuff straight.
But that's just it: by prioritizing organizing and keeping things in order, the rest of our lives follow suit.
Think about how much time is wasted hunting things down and how much money we spend on buying items we already own (we know we bought them before, we just can't find them when we need them!). Plus, the mental stress that sneaks up by living in chaos eventually takes its toll.
So, to put clutter in its place – and out of your place – consider these de-cluttering guidelines:
  • Set aside items of clothing that are clearly out of fashion or of which you have too many multiples (arguably qualifying for both categories: how many pairs of jhorts or jean jackets does one person need?).
  • Pull out pieces you have not worn in 5 years and those you will never wear again (embrace the two kids you've had since your size 4 college days when you were running 10 miles a day on the track's time to let go). This also includes formal wear and bridesmaid's gowns.
  • About those two kids: remove things they have outgrown and those you cannot hand down to the next kid in line.
Toys & Furniture:
  • Once your children outgrow playing with dolls and stuffed animals (that we all know collect dust and take up tons of space in a room), donate them to charity or younger relatives.
  • Remove unused pieces of furniture, like cribs, side tables and chairs that are space-hogs but provide little in the way of storage options.
Documents & Receipts:
  • Become a filing fanatic: create folders and files for bills and receipts, clearly label them and sort them into their places as soon as possible.
  • After three years (for IRS purposes), scan documents and shred them.
For everything that you haven't donated to charity, given away to friends and family members, recycled or trashed, rather than allowing it to pile up in your house, store it off-site in a self-storage unit.

Supplemental Storage Solutions
There are many things in life that we need to keep/want to hold onto but we just don't have the room within the four walls of our house or business. For that, we need a supplemental storage unit so that things are within our reach without being underfoot.
For example, what parent wants to part with their child's receiving blanket, or christening gown, or first pair of tennis shoes or ballet slippers? What about those boxes of photo albums and old books/magazines that you flip through once every couple of years or so?
In addition to long-term storage of items with sentimental value, folks often find themselves in need of a self-storage unit for short-term uses like:
  • When moving your family or relocating a business
  • During remodeling, redecorating or other construction projects in the home or business
  • Storing seasonal items like patio furniture, grills, pool accessories, outdoor sports equipment and "toys" like jet skis, ATVs or surf boards
  • Storing excess inventory before a holiday season at your place of business
  • Storing holiday decorations or winter clothes and other temperature-sensitive items you either cannot or do not want to store in a garage or attic
In terms of what you should look for when selecting the self-storage unit that will work best for you, make sure you consider:
  • Size: Don't pay for space you don't use and don't jam everything into the space to the point that you can't navigate inside and access what you need.
  • Climate Control: Extreme temperatures and humidity can cause damage to items in regular storage. Climate Control storage maintains a temperature of 55 – 80° with central heating and air conditioning and is a good option if you are storing items that are difficult to replace.
  • Security: This includes the physical security of the premises as well as insurance on your property.
  • Arrangement: Make sure everything you store is noted in an "Inventory" list that you keep with you, clearly marked and labeled, and placed within reach in the unit.
What other ways have you found to cut down on clutter or organize your self-storage unit?

Jessica Johnson works for and contributes to the Extra Space Storage blog, exploring various aspects of organizing and storing possessions.

11 Dirtiest Areas In Your Home [guest blogger]

11 Dirtiest Areas in Your Home

If you take pride in your home, you probably think that you know the key offending areas when it comes to dirt. In many cases though, you might be surprised!

Let’s take a look at the dirtiest areas in any home.

The kitchen

It’s no surprise that the kitchen is one of the dirtiest areas. One of the key problems here is that items such as clothes and sponges are used again and again without being cleaned.

Door knobs and handles

Regardless of where exactly in the home they are, knobs and handles are breeding grounds for germs and other nastiness.

Bathroom cabinets

Make-up brushes and applicators are notoriously dirty, and can harbor all kinds of dirt and grime. Make sure that you regularly change your brushes to avoid any health problems such as sore and infected eyes.

Office desk

If you regularly eat lunch at your desk, your keyboard could be one of the dirtiest areas in the whole home. It’s often neglected as homeowners simply don’t realize how bad it can get. You can find office cleaning in Wimbledon to Wembley if you feel that you can’t keep on top of things yourself!

Toilet flush

Most people know that the toilet needs to be cleaned regularly, but it’s easy to forget about the handle! It’s touched dozens of time each day with dirty hands, so requires some special attention.


The grouting in between tiles can get really grubby if it isn't regularly cleaned. This applies to bathrooms, kitchens, and flooring.

Your toothbrush

Bacteria loves warm and moist areas, making your toothbrush the prime candidate for the spread of germs.

The fridge

Having lots of food in one place means that your fridge is a high-risk area. Try to make sure that the correct temperature is maintained at all times, and give it a regular wipe to get rid of germs.

Television remotes

Yet another one that people often forget about! Every member of the family touches remote controls, yet it’s rare that they get so much as a quick wipe.

The laundry basket

Even if you think you’re being super organised, keeping all your dirty laundry in one place means that it’s a concentrated area of dirt! Get into the habit of getting the washing done as soon as possible.


Don’t forget that it’s usually human beings that spread dirt around! Always remember to wash your hands at regular intervals, especially while you’re doing the housework.

By taking action in these specific areas, you can be better placed for a cleaner home.

This article was brought to you by Ruth Smith on behalf of First Choice Cleaners, a professional company that provides domestic and commercial cleaning in London and further afield. 

You Can Repair Scratches With Just a Crayon!

Having children is hard on your furniture. I have a little (now bigger) boy that is always finding ways to destroy my furniture. And having the scratches repaired by a professional is very expensive. Instead I recommend this trick. The video is only 30 seconds... enjoy!

Scary Halloween Stains Can Be Removed With A Few Simple Things

Halloween can be a big stain holiday!  On Clean Green Talk Radio we share tips on how to remove everything from chocolate to red wine. And you just need a few simple things to remove them. You’ll need an ice cube, white wine, rubbing alcohol and a few other simple ingredients. Listen in and find out how to have a very HAPPY Halloween.

Click here to listen to the podcast

What Kind Of A Cleaner Are You?

Recently in the WSJ, there was an article about "Speed Cleaners". They not only had a title for those that like to clean quickly, but also sub-categories!  It made me realize that we all have different ways of doing things - and that includes cleaning. My hubby calls me a Binge Cleaner - mainly because I'm so busy doing other things that when I get the time to clean- I go crazy.
What type of cleaner are you? I started asking and here are a few of the different types people called themselves:
The Faker - This person is really good at cleaning up before company. They get everything looking perfect and make it look like they live like this all the time. They are the ultimate fake cleaner.
Half-Baked - This person is really good at cleaning some things, yet doesn't do a great job on others. For example, the half-baked cleaner will be vigilant about doing the dishes every night, but won't bother with vacuuming for a week or two.
A Particular Day Cleaner - This person will only clean on a certain day of the week. Everything is left to cleaning day.
Clean It As You See It - This person is cleaning constantly - but in short little dabs and touch-ups. They are loving the new products designed especially for them.
It Can Wait - Do you like putting off your cleaning? You are an It-Can-Wait Cleaner. Just make sure you don't wait too long.

Here are some other types of cleaners that people shared with us today on Clean Green Talk Radio.
There was:
  • Squeeze It In
  • Type A
  • Organized
  • Fit It In
  • Clean To A Fault
  • Clutter Keeper 
What type of cleaner are you? There was one other type mentioned on my facebook conversation - DON'T. I'm not considering that answer as a type!

Radio Show: Clean Green Talk - Tips for making your move easier

Marie Stegner joined Leslie Reichert on Clean Green Talk Radio. Listen in for even more tips and ideas to make your move easier.
Moving can be one of the most stressful things in your life, and not being prepared for it can make it even worse.  Leaving things for the last minute can sometimes be a disaster just waiting to happen.
To make your move easier, organized and less stressful, create your own personal moving check list.  Sticking to your list can make all the difference in the world.
Here are some very important things to include on your moving list:
Give yourself plenty of moving time.  Do not wait until the last minute to move.  Doing so can cause unneeded chaos right from the start.  Make your move easy on yourself by being organized.
Start creating your checklist.  Start your list as early as you can.  Organize your list any way you want, whether it is by family member, items classification (clothing, pet, food), or room by room (kitchen, bathroom, kids room).  Add to your list if you need too.   
Create a file and track moving expenses, estimates, and budget.  Make a spreadsheet that will help you track all costs, budgets, moving expenses, phone numbers and any other important information that you might need to make this process smoother.  This spreadsheet will make your life so much easier and will soon become your best friend throughout this process!  Keep track of the estimates for moving trucks, packing supplies, moving boxes and even tape!
Create a folder just for receipts.  Anything related to the move should be organized and kept in a folder.  Include all receipts and brochures related to the move.  This way you can find the items easy if you need them.
Save your money!  Plan on saving as much money as you can for this move so you are able to pay off all your bills quicker.
Write-offs.  Being able to get some of the money you spent on moving back would be wonderful.  Check the IRS moving expense guidelines to see if you can deduct any of your moving expenses on your taxes.
Inquire.  It doesn’t hurt to check with your doctor, pediatrician, and veterinarian to see if  they possibly have recommendations for you at your new location. This could save you some time and frustration when trying to find a doctor in your new location.
Gather up moving supplies.  Ask friends, family members and even local stores if they have any boxes or other packing materials that you need for your move.  If you start asking early enough, you just might get them for free.
Address change.  Forward all your mail to your new address by going to the post office and filing out a “Change of Address” form.    
Shut off utilities.  Contact the electric company, water company, and phone company early and let them know you are moving so you don’t get billed for any services you did not use.
Your personal checklist is your guide to an easier, stress-free move so make sure all your moving needs are included on the checklist.
Happy moving! 

Spring Cleaning the Eco-Friendly Way (guest blogger)

This article is by guest blogger, Nicole Sanders.  I always love hearing how people have enjoyed learning that greening your cleaning does really work!

Spring Cleaning the Eco-Friendly Way
by Nicole Sanders

As you may have guessed, spring cleaning is one of my favorite seasonal activities, and I can’t wait to get started on my annual cleaning session. Not only does this make my home more inviting, but it also allows me to better the environment. If you are looking for a few spring cleaning tips, check out my favorite eco-friendly housekeeping tips that will leave your home sparkling.

Gather the Essentials
Before I begin cleaning, I make sure that everything is ready to go in a portable container. Fortunately, green cleaning products are inexpensive and easy to find. Start with the basics such as vinegar, baking soda and rubbing alcohol. Then grab a microfiber dust cloth, a natural sponge, or a scrub brush made from natural fibers. If you plan on doing some deeper cleaning, add a few natural products designed for the specific task. With your kit of eco-friendly supplies on hand, you’re ready to get started. 

Bathroom Tips
One of the best home cleaning tips I’ve found is to first clean your bathroom by sprinkling baking soda in the toilet. This way, you can let it sit while you wipe down the sinks and fixtures with a microfiber cleaning cloth. To make your fixtures shine, dab a small amount of rubbing alcohol. After you clean the bathroom, use your scrub brush to finish up the toilet.

Eco-Friendly Laundry Methods
Green cleaning should be incorporated throughout your house, yet many people still rely on chemical products when doing laundry. However, I have found that natural laundry detergent and fabric softeners do a better job at eliminating stains. I always make my laundry detergent from scratch using baking soda and shaved soap. When I am short on time, I enlist the help of a cleaning service that uses a natural laundry detergent. Finally, I complete my laundry by airing it out on the clothesline, or by tossing a sachet with lavender into the drying cycle.

Kitchen Scrub Down
In the kitchen, there are several home cleaning tips that will keep your appliances and windows clean with very little effort. For cleaning your oven, simply sprinkle some baking soda and let it sit. Then, wipe it down with some rubbing alcohol and watch as the build-up scrubs away easily. Vinegar can also be used to clean up your appliances so that they shine. In the kitchen, green cleaning should also include a thorough cleaning of the floors using natural products such as vinegar and water. You can also use an eco-friendly floor cleaner. 

Whether you are using a cleaning service or conducting your own spring cleaning, make sure you’re only using natural products that are safe to use in and around your home, especially if you have young children or pets. Not only is this more effective, but it also leaves your home sparkling—minus the chemical residue. As you finish up your cleaning project this spring, make sure to keep these eco-friendly products readily available so that you can keep your home spotless and toxic-free year-round

How "Martha" are you with Betsy Karetnick

As an accomplished broadcaster, journalist and media host, Betsy Karetnick is a dream to interview. We had a great time sharing cleaning conundrums, secrets and lots of laughs. Betsy worked for seven years with Martha Stewart Living Radio on the Morning Living Show and has a vast knowledge of everything that pertains to lifestyle. We talked about stains, cooking and took questions from our listeners. You can check out her blog at

Here is a post from Betsy:

As I was erasing evidence of kids and pets from my front hallway, a thought mentioned by cleaning coach Leslie Reichert popped into my head. When I was on her radio show on, she asked, why do so many people hate to clean? Some of it may have to do with the factory like nature of cleaning (I was pretty sure I’d been in that hallway with a similar sponge not too long ago). Some with the connectivity inherent to the job – rats, now that the walls are clean, I can see the light fixture is filthy…OMG, cobwebs above the doorframe! But I think sometimes we’ve lost sight of just how easy it is to keep a clean house in a century that offers magic in sponges and vacuums that move by themselves. As a radio host for more than seven years on Martha Stewart Living Radio I tried to focus on the upside of cleaning. Yes it is remarkably repetitive, but there is much to be celebrated too.
Here are a few things I've learned along the way from experts like Leslie and from a huge family of listeners.

1.      Everyone needs to be appreciated. I don’t care what you clean – thank yourself for a job well done. Every Monday we used to play “How Martha Were You” over the weekend. It seems like a silly game until you realize you processed 12 loads of laundry, cooked, entertained, organized…all while driving endless carpools. Promise yourself a reward after de-griming the kitchen. Enjoy a cup of tea with two chapters of a ridiculous novel.
2.      If your kids give you clothes that are inside out, wash them inside out, fold them inside out and return them inside out. Either they will start to right their clothing or they won’t care. If they don’t care, neither do you.
3.      Teach children laundry skills. And take a lesson from me – discuss emptying pockets first! Have you ever seen what gum and ink can do to a dryer?!!
4.      Cleaning equals a free gym membership. Don’t believe me? Try this. Vacuum your whole house. Fill a bucket with hot water, a drop of dish soap and a dollop of white vinegar. Mop your wood floors. After each room, either “skate” two dry t-shirts around the room or dry the floors on your hands and knees. Repeat the following week and get back to me.
5.      Lemons can be your cleaning buddies. Try this recipe for cleaning the microwave. Zap slices of a spent lemon in a bowl of water for 5 minutes. Wipe away debris. Smile.
6.      Lemon juice and mayo make your wood furniture sparkle – I learned that from Leslie Reichert, my favorite cleaning coach. But you need her book ( for the recipe.

Gloria Gemma's Carol Donnelly Journey

by Carol Donnelly
I have lived with a compromised immune system ever since I lost my spleen in a car accident over 25 years ago and there were periods in my life where it seemed that I was sick more than I was well.  Eventually, I got sick and tired of being sick and tired, and decided to take matters into my own hands.
The first thing I did was fill a cupboard with the strongest cleaning products I could find—especially ones that claimed to be disinfectants or had antibacterial agents in them or bleach.  Yes, bleach was my BFF.  I used it to wash my linens. I used it to clean my bathroom, and clean the toilet bowl.  I used it to clean my small white appliances.  I even used it outside on the vinyl siding! I thought that using bleach to clean just about everything would kill the germs, and it waskilling the germs, but what I didn’t know was that my BFF bleach was also my frenemy.    
Two breast cancer diagnoses in five years got me thinking about how I could reduce my risk of another cancer diagnosis, but the big question was: where to start?  There’s so much material out there, and sifting through endless streams of it to find legitimate information was a daunting task.  Fortunately for me, I began working for the Gloria Gemma Breast Cancer Resource Foundation, and part of their mission is to “increase breast health education…and generate funding for local breast health programs.” The classes they offer at their center, and classes offered by their partners, like Whole Foods, gave me the knowledge I needed to effectuate changes in my environment.
One of those classes was taught by Leslie Reichert, the green cleaning coach. What I learned in that hour and a half astounded me! I had no idea that in my effort to keep my house clean and germ-free, I was potentially harming myself and my family. I also learned how to make my own cleaning products for a fraction of the cost of buying them.  Needless to say, I bought her book, and then went home and symbolically kicked bleach to the curb.  Don’t worry, bleach wasn’t alone when it got the boot, I gave a popular scouring powder and several other products the heave ho, too.        

In my journey to get my family and myself healthier, I discovered that “everything old is new again,” and going green is nothing new, nor does it have to be expensive—our grandparents did it, and saved lots of money in the process.    

Sara Snow Is My Guest On Clean Green Talk

Join me as I interview green living expert, Sara Snow. Sara understands healthy and natural living in a way few of us do, and it’s her mission to help impart that knowledge and experience to people all over the world so they too can live a greener lifestyle. Learn how Sara’s family and upbringing shaped her and how that experience earned her the title of “green living’s real deal.” You can call and ask her questions at 1-866-50clean (1-866-502-5326) or join the conversation on my facebook

Rockin' the Laundry with Kim from Rockin' Green Soap

Kim Webb
Today on Clean Green Talk Radio, we had the founder and CEO of Rockin' Green Soap on our show.  She is a mom of three kids AND is running a very successful company. Kim says she felt deep the inspiration when her son, Jackson, was born. She began blogging and opened her own retail store that sold cloth diapers. She became a cloth-diapering fanatic, owning more than 200 cloth diapers
herself! However, Kim had trouble keeping her cloth diapers stink- and residue-free as she suffered from hard water. Minerals would build-up on her diapers and render them useless. It also caused her diapers to give off awful odors. She found that other moms were experiencing the same problems and were becoming fed up with washing cloth diapers....

Listen below to our interview and all the things we learned about laundry soap.  And we even learned what "Cloth Diaper Mom's" call their smelly diapers...  You'll have to listen to find out!

Clean Green Talk Radio - Our first show!

Leslie and Marie
It was a little scary - at 8:57 AM we still didn't have everyone on the line to start the radio show. But somehow my great producer, Chad, pulled it together and at 9:00 we were on! Our first guest was Marie, Maid Brigade's Consumer Advocate and for her first time on radio, she was VERY comfortable. Actually, she's a celebrity and has been on lots of TV shows.

Donna is ready to go!
   I did miss the opening cue, thinking the music as going to fad out instead of just stop! Overall, I think we did just fine. I had callers from Maine & North Hampton, MA and people chatting on my face book page from all over the country. Donna, my co-host, was wonderful.

  You can listen to the show below. If you leave a comment I'll make sure you get the free sample from Rockin' Green Soap. (only the nice comments will get the samples!) They are our sponsor and have agreed to give everyone that calls or comments a free sample of their laundry soap! So comment away!

Allstate's World's Worst Cleaning Lady

I saw this commercial the other night and it made me laugh.  There actually ARE cleaning ladies that clean like this! I'm working on a free program that will help you find cleaning help you can trust! Stay tuned to my facebook page for more information.

Fume-free Oven Cleaner

I posted this photo on facebook the other day and people said they wanted me to explain the "how to" about it.  I cleaned the glass on my oven with just rubbing alcohol and baking soda. Sprinkle the baking soda over the glass. Put the rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle and spray it right on the baking soda. I used a sparkle sponge to clean it - so it wouldn't scratch the glass. The greasy build up came right off! Now that was easy!

How To Clean Your Dryer Lint Screen

A simple solution that will remove the oils that build up on the dryer lint screen.

Nuts & Lavender For Your Laundry

Yore Organics -Organic Laundry Soap (soap nuts) #1744

I just wrote a new article for about using bags of nuts and lavender to clean your clothes! Yep, that's right, NUTS! Once the article is posted, I'll add the link here so you can read it. One of the questions I know your going to ask is "where do I get these nuts", so I thought I'd let you know that you can purchase these totally organic soap nuts right at my store. The brand I especially like are Yore Organics. They are packaged  right here in New England by a mom who was trying to solve a family problem and ended up creating a business.
Just Bee... Dryer Bags
The other item I talk about in the article is using lavender in a muslin bag to scent your laundry. You do this by putting the lavender bag in the dryer. It makes the entire laundry room smell wonderful while the clothes are drying AND the clothes smell just as nice when they come out! All this and you are avoiding toxic chemicals in those dryer sheets.

Green Your Cleaning-Direct Launched Today

We launched our first Green Your Cleaning - Direct today with my friend and Certified Green Cleaning Coach, Dana, in Medfield, MA. Green Your Cleaning - Direct is a consulting and delivery service for the best green cleaning products. Dana will be available at to help you find the right products for your home. She can also take your orders online at All you need to do is go to the Green Your Cleaning Direct tab and go to your town. Place the delivery fee in the cart and start shopping. In the checkout cart add your Green Cleaning Coach's first name and she will receive your order and discuss your delivery. We are also looking for more people interested in becoming a Certified Green Cleaning Coach in other towns in MA. Give us a call at 508-234-4626 for more information.
We'd love to have you join us. Together we can change the world, one spray bottle at a time.

Check out our catalog and share with your friends!

Four Tips for Keeping Your Bathroom Cleaner

A question I received yesterday was "How can I create a schedule to keep my bathroom cleaner?"  Really what you need are a few routines to cut down your actual cleaning time. Here are a few tips for the bathroom:
  • Swish the toilet every morning with your toilet brush. This will keep the bowl cleaner so you don't have to clean as often.
  • Use an "eco-sponge" in the shower while you are in it. The sponge uses the technology of friction to clean off soap scum. It's great for glass shower doors too.
  • "Dust" your bathroom every day with a dry microfiber cloth. This will keep the buildup to a minimum and make actual cleaning a cinch.
  • Keep a small battery operated vacuum in the bathroom and run it every day on the floors. This will keep the hair and lint to a minimum.

Today on Martha Stewart Living Radio...

Make sure you follow my blog and my facebook fan page. The producer said the lines were full and they are going to have me back soon. I'll let you know here and on facebook!

Eco Sponge Eco Sponge - works like the eraser sponge but lasts a lot longer because it has a sponge in the middle that keeps if from breaking up.

Microfiber Mop Kit A microfiber mop - It's great way to clean hardwood floors AND even dust the walls. Just a little spritz of water and your all set.