Green Your Cleaning-Direct Launched Today

We launched our first Green Your Cleaning - Direct today with my friend and Certified Green Cleaning Coach, Dana, in Medfield, MA. Green Your Cleaning - Direct is a consulting and delivery service for the best green cleaning products. Dana will be available at to help you find the right products for your home. She can also take your orders online at All you need to do is go to the Green Your Cleaning Direct tab and go to your town. Place the delivery fee in the cart and start shopping. In the checkout cart add your Green Cleaning Coach's first name and she will receive your order and discuss your delivery. We are also looking for more people interested in becoming a Certified Green Cleaning Coach in other towns in MA. Give us a call at 508-234-4626 for more information.
We'd love to have you join us. Together we can change the world, one spray bottle at a time.

Check out our catalog and share with your friends!

Four Tips for Keeping Your Bathroom Cleaner

A question I received yesterday was "How can I create a schedule to keep my bathroom cleaner?"  Really what you need are a few routines to cut down your actual cleaning time. Here are a few tips for the bathroom:
  • Swish the toilet every morning with your toilet brush. This will keep the bowl cleaner so you don't have to clean as often.
  • Use an "eco-sponge" in the shower while you are in it. The sponge uses the technology of friction to clean off soap scum. It's great for glass shower doors too.
  • "Dust" your bathroom every day with a dry microfiber cloth. This will keep the buildup to a minimum and make actual cleaning a cinch.
  • Keep a small battery operated vacuum in the bathroom and run it every day on the floors. This will keep the hair and lint to a minimum.

Today on Martha Stewart Living Radio...

Make sure you follow my blog and my facebook fan page. The producer said the lines were full and they are going to have me back soon. I'll let you know here and on facebook!

Eco Sponge Eco Sponge - works like the eraser sponge but lasts a lot longer because it has a sponge in the middle that keeps if from breaking up.

Microfiber Mop Kit A microfiber mop - It's great way to clean hardwood floors AND even dust the walls. Just a little spritz of water and your all set.