This article is by guest blogger, Nicole Sanders. I always love hearing how people have enjoyed learning that greening your cleaning does really work!
Spring Cleaning the Eco-Friendly Way
by Nicole Sanders

Gather the Essentials
Before I begin cleaning, I make sure that everything is ready to go in a portable container. Fortunately, green cleaning products are inexpensive and easy to find. Start with the basics such as vinegar, baking soda and rubbing alcohol. Then grab a microfiber dust cloth, a natural sponge, or a scrub brush made from natural fibers. If you plan on doing some deeper cleaning, add a few natural products designed for the specific task. With your kit of eco-friendly supplies on hand, you’re ready to get started.
Bathroom Tips
Bathroom Tips
One of the best home cleaning tips I’ve found is to first clean your bathroom by sprinkling baking soda in the toilet. This way, you can let it sit while you wipe down the sinks and fixtures with a microfiber cleaning cloth. To make your fixtures shine, dab a small amount of rubbing alcohol. After you clean the bathroom, use your scrub brush to finish up the toilet.
Eco-Friendly Laundry Methods
Eco-Friendly Laundry Methods
Green cleaning should be incorporated throughout your house, yet many people still rely on chemical products when doing laundry. However, I have found that natural laundry detergent and fabric softeners do a better job at eliminating stains. I always make my laundry detergent from scratch using baking soda and shaved soap. When I am short on time, I enlist the help of a cleaning service that uses a natural laundry detergent. Finally, I complete my laundry by airing it out on the clothesline, or by tossing a sachet with lavender into the drying cycle.
Kitchen Scrub Down
Kitchen Scrub Down
In the kitchen, there are several home cleaning tips that will keep your appliances and windows clean with very little effort. For cleaning your oven, simply sprinkle some baking soda and let it sit. Then, wipe it down with some rubbing alcohol and watch as the build-up scrubs away easily. Vinegar can also be used to clean up your appliances so that they shine. In the kitchen, green cleaning should also include a thorough cleaning of the floors using natural products such as vinegar and water. You can also use an eco-friendly floor cleaner.
Whether you are using a cleaning service or conducting your own spring cleaning, make sure you’re only using natural products that are safe to use in and around your home, especially if you have young children or pets. Not only is this more effective, but it also leaves your home sparkling—minus the chemical residue. As you finish up your cleaning project this spring, make sure to keep these eco-friendly products readily available so that you can keep your home spotless and toxic-free year-round
Whether you are using a cleaning service or conducting your own spring cleaning, make sure you’re only using natural products that are safe to use in and around your home, especially if you have young children or pets. Not only is this more effective, but it also leaves your home sparkling—minus the chemical residue. As you finish up your cleaning project this spring, make sure to keep these eco-friendly products readily available so that you can keep your home spotless and toxic-free year-round