How To Clean Your Dryer Lint Screen

A simple solution that will remove the oils that build up on the dryer lint screen.

Nuts & Lavender For Your Laundry

Yore Organics -Organic Laundry Soap (soap nuts) #1744

I just wrote a new article for about using bags of nuts and lavender to clean your clothes! Yep, that's right, NUTS! Once the article is posted, I'll add the link here so you can read it. One of the questions I know your going to ask is "where do I get these nuts", so I thought I'd let you know that you can purchase these totally organic soap nuts right at my store. The brand I especially like are Yore Organics. They are packaged  right here in New England by a mom who was trying to solve a family problem and ended up creating a business.
Just Bee... Dryer Bags
The other item I talk about in the article is using lavender in a muslin bag to scent your laundry. You do this by putting the lavender bag in the dryer. It makes the entire laundry room smell wonderful while the clothes are drying AND the clothes smell just as nice when they come out! All this and you are avoiding toxic chemicals in those dryer sheets.