Vacation time! Every year we plan an annual vacation to my husband's parents house. Yep, that's right... we go over the hills and through the woods to Grandmother's house. We have a few reasons for planning this annual trip. First, the kids love spending time with their grandparents and we believe that these extended family relationships are extremely important. Second, we hope that the repetition and tradition of it will build fantastic lasting childhood memories. And third, it is an inexpensive trip for the family.
When planning a family trip, consider your options of places that you can stay with family or friends. It is a two for the price of one win for us. We get to spend time as a family, with family and it is inexpensive. My in-laws live in an area with wonderful things to do. The kids have favorite activities and things to do while we are here, things they look forward to all year long. We could not ask for a better vacation destination.
Utilize your resources for your trip. Visit family and friends, and while there make sure to be good guests so that you will be welcome to return the following year.