You may have notice that when I gave you my list of recipes, the recipe for Yellow Squash Puree Mac n Cheese (which I got from Everyday Food Storage) includes an ingredient called Magic Mix. Oh, how I LOVE Magic Mix. It is probably the greatest thing to happen to my kitchen since peanut butter. I keep Magic Mix in my refrigerator at all times and use it in so many ways.
Magic Mix Recipe
2 1/3 cups powdered milk
1 cup white flour
1 cup butter at room temperature
Mix ingredients in food processor until they have the consistency of corn meal. Store in an air tight container in your refrigerator. ( I have stored mine for up to 3 months with absolutely no quality issues)
Besides using this in the mac n cheese recipe, Magic Mix is good for any white sauce you make. It is the only way I make sausage gravy for my fantastic biscuit recipe.
To make a white sauce simply mix 2/3 cup Magic Mix with 1 cup of water and stir constantly over medium heat until boiling. It will thicken nicely and your gravies will have absolutely NO lumps. You can add cheese to this, or sausage, or a little cream cheese for an Alfredo sauce. The possibilities are limitless. I also really like making Magic Mix Pudding.
Magic Mix Pudding Recipe
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup Magic Mix
2-3 Tbs Cocoa (optional)
2 cups water
1 tsp vanilla
Combine first 4 ingredients over medium heat until it bubbles. Remove from heat and beat in vanilla. Chill in refrigerator.
This is a yummy cooked pudding with a fantastic pudding skin on the top. Never fear, if you are one of those (and I just don't understand this) who don't like the skin, you can cover it with plastic wrap as it cools and there will be little to no pudding skin.
Check out this site for some additional Magic Mix ideas!