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Radio Show With Bridgette Raes
If you have a minute this is a great radio show I did with Bridgette Raes.
The Basic Four - The first of a 10 video series
I'm kicking off a new video series called 10 Simple Steps that will help you make your home more Green, Clean, and Safe. The first step to any project is to make sure you have the right materials. In this video, I let you know about the four different supplies that you will need to create a green cleaning solution for just about anything in your home.
These ingredients are all so common you can find them in the grocery store and so safe that you can store them in the pantry by your food.
By following the tips included in this video series you will virtually eliminate all toxic cleaners in your home, save a lot of money, and keep your home sparkling clean. To start watching this series just follow this link to the first video, The Basic Four.
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By following the tips included in this video series you will virtually eliminate all toxic cleaners in your home, save a lot of money, and keep your home sparkling clean. To start watching this series just follow this link to the first video, The Basic Four.
Top Ten Car Cleaning Tips
Need something to do this weekend. How about cleaning your car? It’s a great way to stay cool and keep your car looking great. Here are five tips for cleaning the outside of your car and five tips for the inside.
Outside car cleaning tips:
1. Always clean your car in the shade – or wait until the sun is on it’s way down. And never clean your car after you have just driven it – the engine and tires are very hot – wait until they cool down.
2. Clean from top to bottom and in sections. Give the car a good soaking before you start to wash.
3. Use a bucket to wash your car and rinse the rag or cloth before you put it back into the bucket. The water should be almost as clean at the end as when you started.
4. Clean your car in sections – wash and rinse quickly then move to the next part of the car.
5. Use a very gentle cleaner for cleaning. Just a drop or two of dish soap or try automatic dish washing detergent. It’s made for rinsing easily.
Outside car cleaning tips:
1. Always clean your car in the shade – or wait until the sun is on it’s way down. And never clean your car after you have just driven it – the engine and tires are very hot – wait until they cool down.
2. Clean from top to bottom and in sections. Give the car a good soaking before you start to wash.
3. Use a bucket to wash your car and rinse the rag or cloth before you put it back into the bucket. The water should be almost as clean at the end as when you started.
4. Clean your car in sections – wash and rinse quickly then move to the next part of the car.
5. Use a very gentle cleaner for cleaning. Just a drop or two of dish soap or try automatic dish washing detergent. It’s made for rinsing easily.
Tips for cleaning the inside of your car:
6. Get a paint brush, tooth brush,microfiber clothes and a powerful vacuum for cleaning the inside of the car.
7. Instead of trying to suck dirt from tight places, use the blower setting (gently) to get dirt out of those places.
8. To remove gum, use an ice cube and freeze the gum, then scrape it with a paint scraper.
9. Instead of using “armor-all” use a spray bottle of water and a microfiber cloth. Spray the cloth so you don’t make more a mess.
10. Clean the insides of your windows with a micro fiber cloth and water. It will be streak free with no lint. Keep this cloth in your car and wipe your windshield when it’s foggy.
6. Get a paint brush, tooth brush,microfiber clothes and a powerful vacuum for cleaning the inside of the car.
7. Instead of trying to suck dirt from tight places, use the blower setting (gently) to get dirt out of those places.
8. To remove gum, use an ice cube and freeze the gum, then scrape it with a paint scraper.
9. Instead of using “armor-all” use a spray bottle of water and a microfiber cloth. Spray the cloth so you don’t make more a mess.
10. Clean the insides of your windows with a micro fiber cloth and water. It will be streak free with no lint. Keep this cloth in your car and wipe your windshield when it’s foggy.
If you don’t have the microfiber, here is a kit that will give you the basics to get started. If you want a complete green clean starter kit, check this out. Happy Car Cleaning!
Stop Those Stains - Simple Solutions To Those Unfortunate Mishaps!
Stains can be so daunting, especially if they are on a light colored fabric or surface, but here are some more simple solutions to common problems. The best part is you can find most of these ingredients in your home.
- Makeup can be removed from clothing with a bit of castile soap and rubbing alcohol. Mix the two together and put them on a white cloth so that the color of the cloth doesn't rub off onto the fabric. Blot the stain until the cloth stays white afterwards. The soap and alcohol work together to break down the makeup so that when you do wash the garment, the makeup with disappear. This is for those of you who are either active in show business or have children in shows. Makeup on a white color or dress is simply an occupational hazard.
- If an unfortunate accident at an evening party left you with a red wine stain on your clothes or on your favorite rug, simply relax and grab a drink...literally. You can either use white wine or a combination of club soda and a bit of borax to remove that spot. Simply pour the wine or the club soda mixture onto a white cloth and blot at the spot until it disappears.
- Coffee stains can be removed with an eyedropper of white vinegar or lemon juice.
- That mustard from the cookout doesn't have to be a permanent fixture on your husband's shirt. Just use white vinegar to work out the stain, flush the air with water, and then wash the garment with a bit of dish soap.
- Stains from ball point pens can be removed with a bit of rubbing alcohol. Dip a white cloth into the alcohol and touch the stain with the cloth until the cloth comes up clean

Here is something to keep in mind when you are removing stains from furniture or carpeting. The last thing you want to do is to replace that stain with a bigger water ring, which happens when the fabric takes on the treatment and leaves a ring where any liquid solution was applied. To avoid this, always use a damp cloth to work the stain, work the stain in towards the center so that it doesn't expand outwards, and continue to work until the cloth comes up without a stain. If you keep this is mind and you will be well prepared to conquer any stains that find their way into your home.
Facing What's On Your Phone
It isn't difficult to see the hazards of being too attached to your phone, like driving or walking while texting, but what about the other dangers that don't get the same amount of press? People take their phones with them everywhere. They pick them up in the bathroom to look at that text. They take them to the gym to listen to their music. They pass their phones around to show the picture of their new baby. Phones are people's life line, but we aren't the only beings living on them.
A recent study has found that your cell phone may actually have more germs than a public toilet in New York City. So unless you have no problem holding one of those toilets to the side of your face, you are probably like me and started searching for a way to clean your phone without damaging it. Here are a couple tips on how to save your phone and your face.
A recent study has found that your cell phone may actually have more germs than a public toilet in New York City. So unless you have no problem holding one of those toilets to the side of your face, you are probably like me and started searching for a way to clean your phone without damaging it. Here are a couple tips on how to save your phone and your face.
- Remove the case and battery if it is safe beforehand. This way you don't leave any place uncleaned, but you won't have to worry about destroying your phone's life source.
- Use a damp microfiber cloth. It won't spread excess moisture through your phone but it will also get rid of bacteria without using toxic chemicals. It's a simple and useful tool that can be used in just about any room of your home.
- A dry q-tip will help you reach into the crack in any buttons to get rid of some of the dust without messing with the keys.
Simply clean what you can get to and do it in a gentle manner and you will eliminate most of the germs and keep your electronic companion in good working condition.
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