Top Ten Car Cleaning Tips

Need something to do this weekend. How about cleaning your car? It’s a great way to stay cool and keep your car looking great. Here are five tips for cleaning the outside of your car and five tips for the inside.
Outside car cleaning tips:
1. Always clean your car in the shade – or wait until the sun is on it’s way down. And never clean your car after you have just driven it – the engine and tires are very hot – wait until they cool down.
2. Clean from top to bottom and in sections. Give the car a good soaking before you start to wash.
3. Use a bucket to wash your car and rinse the rag or cloth before you put it back into the bucket. The water should be almost as clean at the end as when you started.
4. Clean your car in sections – wash and rinse quickly then move to the next part of the car.
5. Use a very gentle cleaner for cleaning. Just a drop or two of dish soap or try automatic dish washing detergent. It’s made for rinsing easily.
Tips for cleaning the inside of your car:
6. Get a paint brush, tooth brush,microfiber clothes and a powerful vacuum for cleaning the inside of the car.
7. Instead of trying to suck dirt from tight places, use the blower setting (gently) to get dirt out of those places.
8. To remove gum, use an ice cube and freeze the gum, then scrape it with a paint scraper.
9. Instead of using “armor-all” use a spray bottle of water and a microfiber cloth. Spray the cloth so you don’t make more a mess.
10. Clean the insides of your windows with a micro fiber cloth and water. It will be streak free with no lint. Keep this cloth in your car and wipe your windshield when it’s foggy.
If you don’t have the microfiber, here is a kit that will give you the basics to get started. If you want a complete green clean starter kit, check this out. Happy Car Cleaning!