It's the time of year when you want to be outside, by the pool or eating your corn on the cob on your outdoor patio. But the furniture that gets left out all year or is stored in a shed tends to get kind of grimy. There is a simple way to keep your outdoor equipment nice. Charlie's Indoor Outdoor Cleanser is a highly effective biodegradable non-toxic cleanser that is created from natural washing soda and coconut oil based detergents. When I saw my white picket fence turning an unfortunate shade of green, I decided to give it a try. You can see how much of the algae the cleanser removed on the section I wiped especially when you look at how green the washcloth has become. Not only will it keep your outdoor furniture looking brand new, but it is also cars, bikes, boats, siding, and anything else that may strike your fancy. It's a useful cleaner that will not only save space in your cabinet but keep your outdoor living areas the way you like them.