Do your kids come and ask you 30 times a day "What's for dinner?" I got so tired of answering, the same question, that I decided to make a cute and easy little chalkboard.
I picked up an old cupboard door at ReStore for under $2. I painted the outside green and the inside with chalkboard paint (can be found at your craft store, or in spray paint form at your hardware store). There was already one hole in the door for a knob pull, but I decided to drill a second hole and use to vintage reproduction knobs I had to make apron hangers. I love having my aprons in plain view, they are cute and now I don't forget to put them on. The board is hung with the biggest 3M wall hangers I could find. Once I was done, I decided that my chalkboard was looking just a little too plain... it needed some cute writing on it. Obviously, I've seen the vinyl letter rage that is everywhere, but I hadn't yet participated in vinyl lettering in any way. I knew that vinyl letters were exactly what this project was needing.
It was Holli's Hobbies to the rescue. I sent Holli an email telling her about my project and giving her a rough idea of what I was looking for. She was absolutely wonderful to work with. Holli made suggestions, interpreted my mish-mash of thoughts and created the EXACT signage I was dreaming of. Her prices were incredibly reasonable and she was fast... both at responding and delivering. I couldn't be more happy with my letters. I love how it turned out so much I may be hooked on Vinyl letters.
My entire custom board cost about $10 and my son thinks that having "what's for dinner?" up there for him to check anytime he wants is one of the best ideas I've ever had.