Yes, those are my chubby little toes. Yes, this post almost... well... really seems silly! But I promise you this might be the very most valuable piece of advice I will ever give you. It works and it will save you loads and loads of moo-la!
A couple months ago I stumbled across this most hilarious post on Mary The Kay. She wittily and cleverly turned me on to the most genius process of self pedicure that I could ever imagine. When I first read her advice to just go crazy and paint every possible surface of my toenail with no concern over it getting on my skin, I thought she had lost her mind. That just goes against every nail polish rule I have ever had. I don't want to walk around with toes that look like they were painted by a blind three year old. She continued to explain that after you paint all over like a wild woman, you simply allow them to dry adequately and then go to bed. Seriously? I'm supposed to paint my toenails like that and then go to bed... that made me even more concerned. What if there was a fire in the middle of the night and I have to run out of my house in my pajamas with my feet painted in this manner, I would surely be admitted to the looney bin! Mary The Kay goes on to explain that the next morning in the shower you can easily scratch the polish off your skin and it leaves a most perfect polish job.
Despite my fears, because of my even greater fear of paying a fortune for a professional pedicure and my inability to give myself a decent paint job, I decided to throw caution to the wind and give it a whirl. I painted them up and prayed that we would not have a house fire that night. It works wonderfully! I have repeated this trick three times now. This is the best pedicure I have ever given myself. My toes turn out so wonderful even with the 99 cent Wet 'n Wild polish that I use. I see absolutely no reason to pay for a pedicure ever again.
Try it, you too will be a believer... promise!