I have been working very hard on a project that I'm so excited about! I have been working for the last week to organize a food plan for my family. I have compiled recipes, planned meals, prepared a shopping list and purchased 18 weeks worth of food.
This alone might not sound monumental. Oh, but it is! The most exciting part of this is that I have created a plan to feed my family good, nutritious, and delicious home-cooked meals for the next four and a half months and all of the food to do it cost me less than $500. When the grocery bills were all calculated, I was amazed at the incredibly low total.
All of the recipes that I have planned are tried and true family favorites. I focused on meals that are super easy and fast... and of course we have to have Deep Dish Pizza a few times too! I cook 4-5 dinners per week for my family, we usually eat out or have some other plans once a week and we eat leftovers 1-2 nights per week. I also planned breakfasts (no more cold, sugary cereal) and bought lunch fixin's for the kiddos.
Because I am so excited about my recipes, menu and shopping totals, I have decided to share all of my hard work with you. Feel free to follow my meal plan, or use bits and pieces of it to lower your food bills and build your food storage.
Since this is such a big project, it will take me a few days to share and explain. Please, use the link below to access the collection of dinner recipes that I have compiled.
Recipe Collection
Some of these recipes have been shared before at The Common Cents Home, others are new, but all are fantastic. In the coming days I will be going into more detail about some of the new recipes. I will also share my calendar, shopping lists and tricks.
After this, I will NEVER look at meal planning the same way again!