Have you seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding? The main character's dad uses Windex to cure every ailment and problem the family has. When I was growing up my dad was a little like that, but his cure of choice was Paint Thinner. It seemed like every stain or issue we had, paint thinner was the answer. The main thing he used it for was removing grease stains, both from carpet and clothing. It works great! That stain in the picture was very old, in fact it had been there since we moved into our house. I have used vinegar and steam cleaned over it multiple times. It is in an out of sight location so I haven't ever gotten around to ridding the carpet of it once and for all, until yesterday. I decided it was time.
I got out the trusty Paint Thinner and poured a generous amount on an old rag. It takes a good amount of scrubbing at the spot, but that stubborn grease stain came out of there in less than 3 minutes.
See! Gone! (I left that little spot right by the can in tact just so that you would know this was the same area of carpet and there was no "tom-foolery" involved.) The Paint Thinner removed an old, old grease stain in less than three minutes! The great part about this remedy is that it works on most clothing, too. Next time, you get grease on your pants from the car door, or your bicycle chain, you don't have to throw them out. Try Paint Thinner when all else has failed!